Picture notes |
The view is looking upstream from the end of Taieri Ferry Road (2005) at low tide.
NZ Mail 9 Sep 1897, p1 "The fine picture "Craigielea" ... is far and away the best in [the watercolour] class, and must take rank as one of the works of the year."
Evening Post 9 Sep 1897 p2 NZAFA "... the best product of her brush that she has yet shown. Painted in that broad style that never runs into smudginess or merges into theatrical impressionism which does not impress, this view of a river side - on the right a bordering road, on the left the quiet river [left and right seem to be muddled up here - DM] , in which a piece of bush is reflected, the main lines of the picture intercepted by a boat in the middle distance, the admirably broken-up foreground composed of equal stretches of grass and sand, and a windy sky overhead - is convincingly faithful. The tones are quiet and subdued, and the balance admirable, while the water is real water. the sky, however, is rather "woolly" and in this particular a fine picture is spoiled."
Triad v5 n7 p17, 1 Oct 1897 "To turn now to the watercolours. The most important ? This picture, showing a backwater of the river on a cloudy day, is the best landscape work that has come from this artist's brush. The sky is a little dirty in the greys, perhaps, but on the whole its truth of colour, drawing, and atmosphere, coupled with the simplicity and grace of its composition, make this picture one of the most delightful in the gallery." |