1895 : "A Little Brunette"

Image number W219, image courtesy of DM, from The Triad 1 December 1897, p4, under the title "Myra", from a photocopy of the copy in the Hocken Library Description Painting
Size (cm) ? x ? Signed Yes Dated 1895
Inscribed Owner Unknown
Exhibited NZAFA annual 1895 [036] 5gns. OAS annual 1895 [210] £5.
Picture notes Evening Post 29 Jul 1895, p4 [NZAFA] "The most pleasing of the present pictures is "A Little Brunette" (36) a brightly treated picture of a child." NZ Mail 9 Aug 1895, p17 [NZAFA, review by J.M. Nairn] "Miss Hill's figure work, two heads, is not very im..." Triad v3 n6 p12, 25 Aug 1895 [NZAFA] "two figures, both busts, are fine pieces of painting, but not so pleasing as a portrait of Mr Nairn she painted last year."
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